Making sense of transition and change
The emotional rollercoaster that we’re all on because of the Coronavirus made me think of some models of change which can help one make sense of and deal with significant transition.
The emotional rollercoaster that we’re all on because of the Coronavirus made me think of some models of change which can help one make sense of and deal with significant transition.
Working from home takes a bit of getting used to. Some people love it, others hate it. This is what I’ve learned over the last few years of home-based working.
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the world’s economy may be making you rethink your career change. If it is, read on.
When it comes to asking for feedback and testimonials, there’s no two ways about it: the request for feedback needs to come first. Here are four questions to ask which will show your customers or clients that you care.
When it comes to careers and getting jobs, people often say “You make your own luck”. They also say “I just happened to be in the right place at right time.” Can they both be true?
Hearing other people’s career change stories is inspiring. In addition, their stories usually provide good examples of career theory turning into action. To start this series of posts, here’s my own story of career evolution.