How to define one’s mission in life
Donald Clifton, the Educational Psychologist who created the CliftonStrengths® assessment believed that when mission is combined with strengths, it becomes your fuel for achievement.
Donald Clifton, the Educational Psychologist who created the CliftonStrengths® assessment believed that when mission is combined with strengths, it becomes your fuel for achievement.
Practical strategies for dealing with burnout from Dr Jacinta M. Jiménez. Read a review of her book “The Burnout Fix”.
The Career Development Framework describes the six career development skills that people need to develop in order to have positive careers.
Got an interview? The stakes are higher now because of Covid-19. How can you stay calm and composed in spite of the pressure?
Your career is like a diet. It takes time to work out what sort of nourishment really suits you. Once you’ve hit upon the right diet, you can bring the best of yourself to the world.
Adam had been in his job for eight months when Covid-19 put him on furlough. We discussed the impact of this on the early stage of his career & what he’s done to make the most of the experience.
A lot of people are finding themselves out of work and are feeling uncertain about the future. They haven’t had to seek work for a long time and, to make matters worse, they’ve lost their confidence. How can their confidence be restored?
Things may look bad on the job front but things do work out in the end. Here is some advice from people who survived the last recession.
Volunteering is one of the best ways to test out career ideas. It enables you to build up skills, knowledge and experience within a sector that you may be unfamiliar with. It boosts career wellbeing. But it is also one of the best ways to boost overall wellbeing.